Friday, July 29, 2022

Hypothyroidism & Insomnia

 What a weird combination. Hypothyroidism makes you tired; Synthroid gives you insomnia. 

I don't think I realized I had insomnia until about the 3rd night when I realized I had been awake in bed for four and a half hours thinking about things I hadn't thought of in years:

I got 4th place in the 6th grade spelling bee because I misspelled "reference" (referAnce). Who the fuck misspells reference? I knew the second I said it that it was wrong. My spelling bee competition, of course, ended there. The upsetting part? I was able to spell all the other words that remained in the spelling bee: albumen, ingenious, precocious, Czechoslovakia, and the winning word, tumultuous.  

I can remember every phone number I ever knew when I was a kid, grandparents, uncle/aunt, friends, mom, dad, great Granny, but I can't remember my teenage phone number. 

It's like that Facebook meme where there are a dozen windows open and there's music coming from somewhere because -

And then I realized Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit, "remember what the dormouse said. Feed your head. Feed your head, " has been playing in the background the entire time. *I don't even remember there being a dormouse in Alice in Wonderland, but when you're on singing about LSD I guess you can make the rules. 

*PS. I looked up the dormouse and I do remember now. No, I wasn't on drugs.

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